Unfortunately North County Cricket Club was the victim of a robbery at last Friday's Drive In Bingo.
A large sum of money was taken at the end of the evening under the cover of darkness as the members wrapped up. The matter was immediately reported to Gardai who are dealing with the incident. Everyone in our Club is deeply shocked & devastated after this incident.
It is very difficult for clubs such as ours to keep going financially these days with most normal fundraisers not possible due to Covid restrictions. It has taken 2 months to gradually build up this important fundraiser to a viable situation and then to have our proceeds wiped out in a minute is truly devastating for the club and the volunteers who work tirelessly to raise much needed funds.
In light of this incident we have reviewed and updated our processes and procedures to reduce the risk of a reccurrence. We continue to encourage all members to volunteer at this event regularly as increased volunteers at the event will also add to security & reduce risk. Please contact your captain or any committee member if you are available to help at any of these events. Please make all in the wider community aware of this incident and encourage all to be extremely vigilant.
On a positive note and in complete comparison to the utter devastation that we felt last Friday night, we were once again without words but this time elated when one of our longtime supporters visited us on Saturday afternoon in the aftermath of the robbery. Patrick Hickey of McNallys Funeral Directors having heard of the desolating events of Friday night dropped into Inch on Saturday afternoon & presented a cheque to the value of our losses to club President Joey Mooney & Treasurer Mick Sludds. We were speechless & overwhelmed at this gesture. It was a most generous donation at a very low time which has helped somewhat restore our faith in humanity in challenging times. Patrick also lends us much of the equipment that we need to run our bingos weekly at no cost, for which we are also indebted.
The club would like to extend its deepest gratitude to Patrick, Monica & Padraig Hickey of McNallys Funeral Directors for this most charitable donation & ongoing support in our darkest hour, we are truly grateful. Our Car Bingo is continuing each Friday – this week it will start at an earlier time of 7pm, gates open at 6pm and all support would be really appreciated. North County Cricket Club