Just like our 1st team, a trip to Malahide will also mark the beginning of the season for our 4th team. They begin their Division 13 campaign this Saturday, led by Foram Mehta. Here is what the man himself has had to say on the upcoming season:

"'Every individual has value to add.' This sentiment is applied when the Fourth XI at North County takes the field. The view to offer team mates, the opposition and the umpires the ability enjoy their afternoon with us is what will drive the team on to achieve its aspirations of being at the top of the league this year. While we aim to have fun, our aim is to also support the upcoming juvenile players and to prepare them for not only their careers in cricket, but provide a positive, secure and nurturing environment where they learn lessons of team work, fair play and respect for others, paired in a competitive setup with The Spirit of Cricket in our hearts."