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Online Fitness Classes

North County

North County CC are delighted to have John Mooney as both senior coach and player again this season. Although the current restrictions mean training is not permitted, Johnboy has hosted Online Fitness Classes for the last three weeks.

The training has been very successful so far, with 20 club members joining in on the last class.

The sessions, which are a combination of mobility, yoga, strength and core training, and last for up to an hour, are now open to all players, parents, members and supporters.

The equipment used is very basic; a set of small dumbbells, a broom handle or fitness stick, a small and large exercise band and an exercise mat. All the exercises can all be modified and done with or without equipment.

Johnboy spoke about how he has enjoyed the training so far and encouraged more players and members to get involved: "I have personally loved doing the sessions myself, as has my wife Helena and even my daughter Robyn has joined in a few times. It's very basic but when done right, everyone will see a great benefit to it. Its open to all club members so come along and join in."

The classes are held via Zoom at 7:30 every Thursday evening. Contact your team captain, Foram Mehta or send the page a message to access the Zoom link.

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